President’s Message – September 6, 2024

Good evening members and retirees of USW Local 5328.

Thanks to those that made it to the Labour Day Parade and picnic!! It was a fantastic day and nice to see some retirees!! 

I was informed this week that ArcelorMittal will be getting out of the PC Strand business for the balance of this year and all of 2025. It was reported that we are taking a loss on the product. There are no layoffs as a result and we are currently hiring. 

For information, we are being charged extra dispensing fees at pharmacy's. This item was tabled at the last set of negotiations and we agreed to keep it at the .50 cents. Since then, some are being charged up to $4.50 a prescription. The local grieved this and are now scheduling the grievance to arbitration. 

Our next membership meeting is Thursday September 12 at 5pm.

Have a great and safe weekend!!

In solidarity, 

Anthony Ciaramella 
USW Local 5328