President's Message - April 13, 2020

Members and Retirees of Local 5328

There is a lot of questions regarding the SUB pay. I have inquired from our USW staff and National office.  

 When applying for EI, after March 15,2020, you are directed to the CERB program automatically.  The CERB disqualifies you from earning the SUB pay.

 Why? The Federal government doesn’t consider the unemployment situation due to economy or a market situation, they consider it due to Covid-19 and apparently that changes the definition. 

 If you are on lay-off, you need to do some math as any earnings you acquire in a week, will be deducted from the $500.00 per week from CERB. 

 The USW National Office is still working on the Federal Government to try and rectify this but that may take weeks. Until then, be careful on working a day here, a day there!! 

 Remember, the CERB program is not taxed but it is taxable income when it comes to your 2020 taxes. 

 Stay safe! 

 In solidarity, 

Anthony Ciaramella 
USW Local 5328