President's Message - February 19, 2021

Members and Retirees of Local 5328

Good evening all. 

 Unfortunately there are a few layoffs next week.  

 The oil temper and straight and cut  is going to 8 hours. There is no layoff from that change as the company is crewing up #2 oil temper line. We lose one on the base on straight and cut from 4 to 3 but we gain on in oil temp going from 20 to 21.  This will take affect week of Feb 28.

 With the above, the company is restructuring the supervisors.  There will be, or should be a posting as to who will supervise what areas.  

 As mentioned in previous emails, due to covid, at this time,  there will not be a March membership meeting, therefore nominations will be on paper to a collection box or the recording secretary.  Nominations will open on March 9, 2021 and close at 4:00pm on March 11, 2021. There will be a posting with all information on the union board in the plant. 

Retiree indexing cheques will be mailed out on February 26.

 Have a great safe weekend! 

In Solidarity,

Anthony Ciaramella 
USW Local 5328