President's Message - July 3, 2020

Members and Retirees of Local 5328

Good evening all. 

 The schedule for the two weeks of shutdown and the week returning after shutdown, week of July 19 are out. The July 19 schedule  may change as there may be people coming back from sick leave. There are a few layoffs upon the return. 

 As most may know, the company did qualify for CEWS for period 4. That payment should have been made last Thursday and will now be paid on the next pay day, July 9. I have demanded a separate deposit and pay statement but I will guess that won’t happen!! 

 Pays are a mess again and the Union has filed a policy grievance and we will not settle for anything less than what the law or an arbitrator states!! Enough is enough!  

 The grievances filed the last year in regards to 5.11/5.12, the right to refuse alternate work when your job is not available, has gone to long. I have instructed our staff rep to proceed with arbitration. 

 Here we are at shutdown with Canada day attached!! Please enjoy the much needed time off with your family! 

 Be safe, be well!! 

 In solidarity, 

Anthony Ciaramella 
USW Local 5328