President's Message - June 18, 2020

Members and Retirees of Local 5328

Good evening all. 

 Scheduling seems to be a bit of a mess lately! That has to do with sales and production planning getting signals crossed!! The company does not know what one day to the next brings!  Most of what you see scheduled should be this way till shutdown but don’t hold your breath!! 

 Discipline is, again, at an all time high! Present management wants to boost moral and I’m guessing this is their way? Maybe it’s the new walkway? “The Green Mile”? More info on the website under the Heath & Safety Tab  from WSIB rep, Geoff Oberfrank. 

 For those with less than 5 years service, the company will be forcing some to work through the shutdown on various utility jobs and confined space.  They require about 13-15 people each week. There is a sign up sheet on the main board. 

 I’ll be on vacation next week. If you have any issues, John will be available as well as the Chief Stewards. If it’s an emergency, please contact us all!! 

 Have a great and safe weekend!  

In solidarity,

Anthony Ciaramella 
USW Local 5328