President's Message - October 2, 2020

Members and Retirees of Local 5328

Good Evening all

The committee met the company last week to try and negotiate a retirement incentive to minimize the job losses. Unfortunately, we did not get to where we wanted. 

 The company decided to end talks and planned on going through with their “Transformation Project”. The ball is in their court and we wait patiently for them to return to negotiate a retirement incentive. 

 If this happens, I will send out communication right away.  

 Reminder, the next Union membership meeting is Thursday October 8 at 5:00pm. Social distancing measures will be in place, face masks are mandatory. The local has purchased face masks with our Union logo on them. Please see Mike Hnatjuk at the front entrance at 7:00 am Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  

On a sad note, we lost of few brothers the last few weeks. Yesterday we paid tribute to Mike Pilon who passed away on September 16. On September 14 we lost a retiree, Bob, Wilky, Wilkinson. On September 24 we lost brother Ron Carre. Ron was a mechanical tech most would have seen on day shift. Ron battled cancer for a while and beat it!  He had been back to work for about a year now, until his sudden passing.  

 RIP brothers Bob, Mike, Ron. 

 In solidarity, 

Anthony Ciaramella 
USW Local 5328