President's Message - March 4, 2022

Good evening members and retirees of USW Local 5328.

 I’m happy to report that the strike at Contrecoeur is over. The company and union came to an agreement over the weekend and ratified on Monday.  We should start receiving rod in the next few weeks. 

 Wednesday safety blitz! Every Wednesday morning management does a safety blitz. Yesterday  was no different and the focus was tractor and hoist reports.  I received a call from Isabel last night to inform me that out of about 12 or 13 workers operating a hoist, crane, or tractor, 3 or 4 had their report filled out, the rest did not.  Those that had a safety infraction will be receiving a written warning in their file.  You will be glad to hear that all supervisors and senior coordinators will be receiving the same in their file as well as the plant manager. Isabel has issued these to management for not following up.  I suggest you fill out the reports at the beginning of every shift! It’s for your own safety! 

 It was reported today that the oil temper will be running out of stock in the next week or so and the threat of layoffs. I called Isabel to ask if this is true and her answer was this, “there should be enough stock to get us through and the high carbon rod coming from Europe arrives on March 16, there is no plan to lay off”.  I asked when will we be receiving rod from Contrecoeur? She did not know but the start up of the rod making was flawless.  

 Our next membership meeting is March 10 at 5:00pm. 

 Have a great and safe weekend!!! 

In solidarity, 

Anthony Ciaramella 
USW Local 5328