Health & Safety



SHAYNE YEAMAN - Health & Safety Rep  ( Chair )
Phone : (289) 962-1763









We hope you find the following information useful, and that you participate to ensure we are all safe in our workplace. We want to begin by emphasizing that you have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment. You have the right to go to work with the expectation that you will be returning home to your family and friends in the same shape you left them in. Nevertheless, while you have the right to be safe, you also have a duty to ensure your fellow employees are working in a safe and healthy environment as well. We kindly request that if you see something wrong to please let us know.

Harassment and bullying can come from anyone including the public, fellow employees, managers, foremen, etc. Harassing and/or bullying can be a criminal offence. It is a form of violence characterized as verbal comments directed toward an employee that may hurt or isolate that person in the workplace. Both harassment and bullying represent a desire for control and an exercise of power through the humiliation of a target. A workplace bully, in the role of a supervisor, may subject their target to unjustified criticism, threats, and trivial fault-findings.
They may ignore, isolate, ridicule, humiliate or set the target up for failure by setting unrealistic goals or deadlines. They may increase or decrease workload or responsibility, change job duties to those that are demeaning or below a worker’s qualifications, or reduce authority. You do not need to endure it. These actions are strongly dealt with now under Health and Safety legislation. We are happy to help you and all complaints or inquiries will remain confidential.

In these very busy times we are finding ourselves in, it is very important for veteran workers as well as new members to follow all the safety rules the company has in place. To ensure everyone’s safety, here are a few suggestions to keep in mind when you are at work.


Starting a new job is very exciting, but it can be a bit overwhelming. After all, you are meeting new people and worrying about making a good impression to your boss and co-workers. With all the pressure, remember to ask about your basic rights when it comes to workplace safety.


As a member, you have many rights, but you also have many responsibilities. By being responsible in the workplace, you can help avoid injury.


The old saying “rules were meant to be broken” definitely does not apply to workplace safety. You may be tempted at times to take shortcuts, but don’t take them – you were trained a certain way for a reason. If you have not received health and safety training, let your supervisor know right away!


No one likes to be a snitch, but when it comes to workplace safety, it is your responsibility to report potentially hazardous situations. Imagine how you would feel if someone got seriously injured because you did not feel comfortable about making a report.


Gloves, masks, safety boots, and all other safety wear, or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), may not be fashionable, but if the job requires it, you must wear it. Also, you should never remove a guard or device designed to protect you. It is the law. NO JOB IS WORTH RISKING YOUR LIFE!

To the management at ArcelorMittal Hamilton east. 

 I, like most of my coworkers are wondering what is going on with pathway that you have dubbed the green mile. 

 First, do you know that the green mile is a Steven King story about an inmate on death row. And the last walk he will take to the electric chair is called the green mile. 

 Although this nickname is kind of fitting as you are pushing your employees into an unsafe and dangerous position. 

 You used industrial Machine paint on the floor. All this will do is make the floor more of a slipping hazard. 

 National Day of Mourning – April 28

Good evening all.  

 I just want to thank Guy Suttonwood for all his efforts with the health and safety team and a very happy retirement 

 Over the last few months its been a very challenging time for the health and safety team and our executive members. I'd like to take this time to explain all the trouble we have encountered.  

           Right to Refuse Unsafe Work

If you have an issue on your job that is serious and requires immediate attention then remember you have the "Right to Refuse Unsafe Work". When exercising your Right, remember this:

  • Inform the supervisor that you are Refusing to Work because it is unsafe,